Show History

(continued from page 7)

In 1993, a company whose specialty was discount titles called Starmaker, who had inherited some of the defunct New World’s library, released a total of nine episodes of “Sledge Hammer!” on VHS.

A more appropriate name should have been “Schlockmaker.”

After contacting Spencer for consultation, the company ignored his contracted approval rights and failed to remove the laugh track from six of the shows.

Also, these tapes were all recorded using inferior EP mode, resulting in mediocre picture and sound, and sold for cheap prices in bargain bins.

To add insult to injury, the writing and directing credits on the boxes were frequently incorrect.

These shabby releases were the last “Sledge Hammer!” episodes released on home video.

Fast forward to present day… and, most likely, the reason you’re here.

Like thirst parched legionnaires wandering the desert seeking Gatorade, fans of “Sledge Hammer!” remain undaunted in their quest for the series.

The now “out of print” New World cassettes are regularly sold on auction sites. Even the mediocre Starmaker versions are able to fetch decent prices.

Preying upon this hunger for the episodes, unscrupulous video pirates have regrettably profited from the void… not only ripping off fans, but also violating copyright laws, by selling cheesy “taped off air” dubs.

Often, the quality is so poor… they’d look better recorded on sandwich meat.

Every self respecting “Sledge Hammer!” devotee, as well ones with low self esteem, has been asking the same question over and over for years: When will “Sledge Hammer!” ever become available on DVD?

Finally, here’s your answer…

Putting out an entire series on DVD is a costly proposition. Besides digitally remastering each episode, there are often complex legal issues, such as music clearances, which need to be resolved.

Home video is about supply and demand, so this website was launched to
create tangible proof of the enduring popularity of "Sledge Hammer!" So
far, it's been successful in doing that job. It also doesn't hurt that
mayhem and destruction never go out of style.

The expense of distributing any TV series on DVD never occurs without
prospective sales being properly gauged. In the case of this show, we've
got a worldwide following. So, with the operative words being "supply &
demand," it's urged you demand "Sledge Hammer!" be released on DVD in your region. (North America is considered a "done deal," depending on the
condition of the mastering elements.)

Post a message on this site's board, which shall serve as a "virtual
petition." There are also other enjoyable topics to discuss as well.

Who knows, maybe we'll provide personal ads for men and women who enjoy a romantic evening of target practice.

And if any of this motivates you to create your own "Sledge
Hammer!" website, perhaps we'll link to it as long as there are no hidden messages praising "Mr. Belvedere" buried within.

“Trust me, I know what I’m doing."

The End -

You know what marriage is? It's driving the wrong way down a one-way street and having a head-on collision with a dumptruck called your wife.